Inverse Limit Visualizer – Interactive Version

I haven’t updated this blog since I got busy at work. However, I have <ahem> found myself with more free time lately, so I finally have had a chance to do something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. I’ve taken the inverse limit visualizer I translated to Python 2 years ago and made it an interactive dashboard. You can modify the bonding map by adding/dragging points around and see the changes to the inverse limit in real time. Try it out here! Be patient while it loads, it takes a few moments. Also be aware that the server that it runs on will shut down an instance after 20 minutes of inactivity.

Inverse Limit Visualizer

In grad school a few years ago I was exploring a topic in mathematics called inverse limits.  Inverse limits are a type of “space” that are constructed in a specific way.  I wanted a way to quickly visualize these spaces without working out a representation by hand, so I wrote a visualizer in MatLab.  More recently, I ported the code to Python and cleaned it up (a lot).  You can see the results here.

I started a blog!

I’ve had the idea for a while to create a hub to express the things I’m learning about data science and deep learning, interesting things about mathematics, or anything else that comes to mind.  I also plan to showcase past and present projects here.